Marcel Hüppauf

Marcel Hüppauf was born in Stuttgart in 1972 and graduated from Hamburg University. Already during his studies, he participated in his first exhibitions and soon attracted attention. His painting style is predominantly expressive, full of strong colours and wild shapes. He takes the motifs for his paintings from various stories and fairy tales, paints animals with a human character and unreal landscapes often with almost childish varicoloured suns.

Nicht mit dir, 2005, olej na plátně, 95 x 115 cm

Mondlärm, 2004, olej na plátně, 60 x 42 cm

Lärm, 2004, olej na plátně, 42 x 60 cm

Der Lebewohl I., 2005, olej na plátně, 64 x 50 cm

Am Wegesrand, 2004, olej na plátně, 135 x 85 cm