Laďa Gažiová

This artist of Slovak origin, who lives in Prague, graduated from the Studio of Conceptual and Intermedia Art at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and from Vladimír Skrepl's Painting Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Her works stem from several varied sources of inspiration such as graffiti and street art or Romany ethnic culture. In 2007, Gažiová was awarded The Sovereign European Art Prize in London. 

Muzikanti, 2005, kombinovaná technika na plátně, 95 x 125 cm

Huslista, 2005, kombinovaná technika na plátně, 95 x 65 cm

Dievčatko, 2005, kombinovaná technika na plátně, 200 x 120 cm